Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Baby's Birthday and Musings!

Yesterday was my son's 17th birthday!  I simply can't believe that my baby boy is 17!  That means I have been living in Utah for 17! We had a very nice day.  Family lunch before Charles had to leave for work at Pizza Plus, an air hockey battle, bowling and haunted miniature golf.  Being out from school for 5 days for fall break just added to the day!
The cooler autumn weather has been wonderful!  It's nice to be able to get outside to do yard chores without feeling like I'm going to pass out from the heat.  The one downside to the cooler weather...our chickens are not laying as many eggs each day.  We are only averaging three eggs a day now, one from Licorice (our black sex link) and one each from Strawberry and Chestnut (our Rhode Island Reds).
Well, I'm off to crochet a washcloth.  I joined a handmade soap swap group on We crochet or knit a washcloth then send it to our swap partner along with two bars of handmade soap, either of our own making or that we have purchased.  I purchase my handmade soaps from a lovely Mennonite woman in Garland, UT.  Her business is called Jewel Soap, named after goat that gives her the milk for her soaps.